EASN Research Webinars (ERW) schedule

October schedule

18th OCTOBER 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Mario Guagliano
"From coating to repair and additive manufacturing: the multiple challenges of cold spray in aerospace"

Starting from the personal experience and research, the talk will introduce the cold gas dynamic spray (or simply cold spray) process and its multiple possible applications. After having introduced the process, the different cold spray plants and the parameters that defines the process, the attention is focused on the main applications of cold spray: coating, local repair and additive manufacturing, highlighting the attractive points as well as the current challenges. Finally, the attention is focused on the application of cold spray in aerospace engineering; some recent European research projects lead by the speaker are described. The first is aimed to assessing the potential of cold spray for structural repair, the second considers cold spray for the deposition of refractory High Entropy Alloys for the construction of thrusters for small satellites.
Based on the current results, a critical discussion of the present achievements and of the present and future challenges of cold spray concludes the presentation.

Politecnico di Milano,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Milan (Italy)

Prof. Mario Guagliano

June schedule

28th JUNE 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Kostas Kontis
"From Earth to the Moon: some multidisciplinary challenges in fluid dynamics"

The talk will summarize some multi-disciplinary advancements in the context of fluid dynamics. Recent research on plasma-related systems and MDO including applications on intakes, ducts, UCAVs, and micro-propulsion will be presented. Some of the challenges associated with the interaction between the plume of a spacecraft’s retro-thruster and the planetary surface during landing and lift-off procedures will be discussed. Regarding the latter, understanding the nature of plume-regolith interactions is vital in the design of future space missions. The regolith ejecta produced by these interactions present numerous risks to the integrity of the spacecraft and the success of the mission. The resulting plume-surface interactions can then damage the spacecraft and any other hardware present on the planetary surface through a sandblasting effect. Furthermore, the produced dust cloud can affect a variety of spacecraft systems, such as covering optical surfaces, clogging mechanisms, and seals, and interfering with instruments and controls.

University of Glasgow,
School of Engineering,
United Kingdom

Prof. Kostas Kontis
14th JUNE 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Solomon O. Obadimu, Kyriakos I. Kourousis
"The Impact of Load Rate on the In-Plane Compression of Material Extrusion and Laser Powder Bed Fusion Steel 316L Honeycombs"

Recent years have seen significant progress in additive manufacturing (AM), leading to the development of advanced techniques such as Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and Material Extrusion (MEX) AM. These advancements not only enable the production of honeycomb structures via AM but also offer opportunities to enhance and optimize their mechanical performance. However, there is limited research on evaluating the load-rate of metallic honeycomb structures manufactured using AM techniques, particularly under in-plane compressive loading.

This study utilized LPBF and MEX to fabricate honeycomb structures with different cell sizes. Through experimental evaluation, the mechanical performance characteristics of these structures were identified, along with the modes of deformation experienced during compressive loading at varying load application rates. The sensitivity of the load rate on the mechanical properties of LPBF and MEX materials was verified. Furthermore, the results were employed to validate a set of empirical models capable of predicting key mechanical properties, including plastic collapse stress. The study also established a viscoplastic dependency on the cell wall material (Steel 316L), which was incorporated into the empirical modeling.

Metal Plasticity & Additive Manufacturing Group,
School of Engineering, University of Limerick,

Dr Solomon O. Obadimu
Associate Professor Kyriakos I. Kourousis

May schedule

31st MAY 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Spiros Pantelakis, Angelos Filippatos, Dionysios Markatos
"Towards a sustainability-driven design approach for aircraft structures"

The current prevailing trend in design across key sectors such as the aviation sector, prioritizes eco-design, emphasizing considerations of environmental aspects in the design process. The current webinar aims to present a significant leap forward by proposing a design process where sustainability serves as the primary driving force. In this context, sustainability is positioned as a fundamental component to be integrated into the initial stages of design, introducing innovative multidisciplinary criteria that redefine the design paradigm. Within this framework, sustainability is characterized using a comprehensive and quantifiable metric encompassing technological, environmental, economic, social, and circular economy dimensions. The proposed design methodology's significance is rooted in its ability to effectively tackle the intricate challenges posed by conflicting sustainability goals and to optimize solutions, ultimately presenting the most sustainable design options. Furthermore, its adaptability positions it for potential application across various sectors, offering a transformative approach to sustainable engineering practices.

University of Patras,
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics,

Spiros Pantelakis
Angelos Filippatos
Dionysios Markatos
17th MAY 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Octavian Thor Pleter
"10 Years of Research into the Malaysian 370 Lost Flight"

The disappearance of Flight Malaysian 370 in March 2014 remains one of the thick mysteries of aviation after 10 years. More experts, pilots, scientists, aerospace engineers, journalists tried to solve this mystery. This webinar presents the known facts, the final accident investigation report, the most relevant lines of research and their current status. It is a discussion of which hypotheses have been found not valid, and which scenarios are still on the table.

National University of Science and Technology Politehnica,
Bucharest Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,

Octavian Thor Pleter

April schedule

19th APRIL 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Sergio Tavares
"Damage tolerant design in the age of AI"

While indispensable for aircraft structural design and residual strength assessment, numerical modeling tools faced challenges in accurately replicating real-world behavior and creating precise digital twins due to factors like material property variations, manufacturing-induced deviations, loading conditions, among others. Machine learning techniques, including physics-informed neural networks, enabled the handling of diverse uncertainties and the improvement of calibration and validation for numerical models. This was achieved by combining experimental inputs with simulations through continuous updating processes that refined digital twins, enhancing their accuracy in predicting structural behavior and performance throughout an aircraft's life cycle. These refined models could enable real-time monitoring and improve damage assessment, supporting decision-making in diverse contexts and contributing to the assurance of structural integrity and safety in aircraft structures throughout their operational life.

TEMA - Centre for Mechanical Technology and
Automation, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Aveiro, Portugal

Sergio Tavares

Albertino Arteiro
"Failure modelling and characterisation of composite aerostructure"

Even though the use of carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRPs) in airframes increased drastically in the last few years, large safety margins were still used, limiting the full exploitation of the benefits of CFRPs. The high susceptibility to subcritical damage mechanisms and the lack of knowledge and predictive capability of the mechanical response and of the complex failure behaviour of composite materials were among the main reasons. This presentation addressed some of the most recent contributions on composites failure modelling and characterisation with an eye on the certification by analysis of (disruptive) composite aerostructures.

Materials and Technological Processes Group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEMec) of the Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto, Portugal

Albertino Arteiro
5th APRIL 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Michael Weigand
"Safety of helicopter propulsion systems"

Helicopter drivetrain components (transmissions and shafts) are a very important part of a helicopter. The drivetrain must not fail under all operating conditions to ensure autorotation capability in every moment of the flight. Therefore, helicopter transmissions are specified in the Certification Specifications (CS) of EASA, especially in CS-27 (small rotorcraft) and CS-29 (large rotorcraft).

However, especially between 2009 and 2016 several incidents happened with about 50 people killed in North Sea offshore operation, caused by defects and damages in the Main Gearbox. Incidents also happened e.g. in 2022.

TU Vienna is active in the field of rotorcraft safety and improved gearbox components and contributes regularly to the European Rotorcraft Symposium of EASA. The presentation will give an overview of the activities at TU Vienna.

The presentation will give an overview of the activities of TU Vienna with regard to the mentioned incidents. As EASA has recently finished a project about Improved Main Gearbox (MGB) safety this project will also be discussed in the presentation.

Institute of Engineering Design and Product Development E307,
Research Unit Machine Elements and Transmissions for Aviation
TU Wien, Vienna

Michael Weigand

March schedule

22nd MARCH 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Ivo Jebáček
"Key results obtained with dedicated Aircraft Testing Facility at Brno Technical University"

The presentation focused on key project results obtained through testing activities at the Brno University of Technology Aircraft Testing Facility, especially in the field of small aircraft and space research. The interesting spacecraft test, as well as basic research of thermal characteristics for space applications, were mentioned. The presented results underlined the importance of excellent research infrastructures operating in an academic environment and their impact on the aeronautical industry in the Czech Republic and beyond.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of Aerospace Technology

Ivo Jebáček

Francky Callewaert
Special Feature: "ERA Action 12: a Pilot initiative in Aviation Research and Technology Infrastructures (RTI)"

Aircraft technologies, including demonstrators, built under various EU projects, incl the Clean Sky and Aviation Joint Undertaking partnerships, require specific test facilities to improve their technological maturity, typically from TRL 6 to TRL 9, and for certification purposes before they are launched on the market. A discussion was initiated on how to address future key needs for improving (or building new) aeronautical research and technology infrastructures (e.g. wind tunnels, engine test beds, etc.) to upgrade them for disruptive technologies (e.g. hydrogen/electric propulsion systems) and accelerate market introduction. The presentation reflects on the discussions within the stakeholder groups.

European Commission,
“Future low emissions Industries” unit of DG RTD

Francky Callewaert
8th MARCH 2024 - 14.00 (CET)
Helge Pfeiffer
"Structural Health Monitoring in aeronautics between the academic and industrial perspective"

This presentation provided a very special insight into the relationship between academic and industrial perspectives when maintenance, especially structural health monitoring, was concerned. It dealt with questions of the optimal balance between scientific research interests and the corporate perspective, but also with very practical issues.

The presentation concluded with some selected examples of how monitoring and advanced inspection could work in an industrial environment. These included the monitoring of corrosive liquids in aircraft, the detection of ice in fuel tanks, and the optical quantification of damage in dents.

University of Leuven, Department of Materials Engineering,
Group of Nondestructive testing and Materials Characterization

Helge Pfeiffer

* The schedule will be updated with new entries